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Date: Thu, 16 Apr 1998 13:19:47 -0700
From: Phil A Posehn



During the 1960's the area in and around the area of Ukiah, Calif evidenced considerable activity that strongly implies some form of Mythos influence.

The Rev. Jim Jones' cult settled there for several years while gatheringits numbers before the final move to Guyana. During that time they encouraged their members to file for public assistance under several fictitious names each. The resulting paperwork SNAFU is STILL being sorted out today.

During the same general period the Manson Family lived there before moving to Southern Calif.

Since that time The neo-Pagan Church of All Worlds, whose theology is a blend of neo-Paganism and the philosophy used by Robert Heinlein in Stranger in a Strange Land have moved into the area. Whether this group is allied with or in opposition to the Mythos my operatives were unable to determine. Their magazine, "GREEN EGG" seeps harmless enough… Finally, an enclave of Buddhist monks have taken over the former State Mental Hospital there. One entire wall of the building is reported to be covered with candles and images of the Buddha. What could they be trying to keep contained?

Anyone with more background on current possible Mythos activity in the Ukiah area please make contact with me at moc.onuj|nhesopap#moc.onuj|nhesopap

Date: Fri, 17 Apr 1998 12:10:47 -0500
From: Jeff McSpadden
Great interview about the 'mythos' aspects of the Denver airport. For those who have been there, it is a strange place. I snipped the stuff below about the artwork also. Note the Mayan ruins part. I was amazed to find a 3/4 scale mayan ruin, INSIDE THE AIRPORT! I am still looking for a photo, if you know of one, let me know. Also, let me know if you can find a map. The airport construction was scandalous and much of the information has been suppressed. For those who missed the earlier post, see I bet I could change the Peruvian Mi-go base scenario to modern Denver pretty easily! What was the name of the Peruvian scenario in either Cthulhu classics or Cthulhu casebook?

Some other links about this obvious mi-go base:

Here are a few of our favorites:

A 30-foot-high fiberglass blue mustang is the first piece of art people will see as they come into the airport via Peña Boulevard. Made by well-known New Mexico artist Luis Jiminez, the rearing horse has eyes that shoot out laser-like beams of red light. Near the carousels in the baggage claim area, check out the two whimsical suitcase gargoyles by Terry Allen. They go by the name "Notre Denver." Also in the baggage claim area are two colorful murals painted by Denver artist Leo Tanguma, a Chicano activist-artist whose general procedure is to involve the community in creating his murals. Across the main terminal from Tanguma's murals is Gary Sweeney's "America, Why I Love Her," two big photomural maps of the United States with the artist's small framed snapshots of odd bits of Americana - ever seen the Frog Fantasies Museum in Eureka Springs, Arkansas? - tacked onto the appropriate locations. Sweeney used to work as a baggage handler for Continental Airlines. On Denver's spot on the map, he included a little sign that says: "You are here … but your luggage is in Spokane." Needless to say, not everybody was amused, especially when glitches in the automated baggage system caused multiple delays in the airport opening date. On the balustrade at the top of the escalators that connect level five and level six in the main terminal are 28 glossy, vibrant ceramic vases by

internationally known ceramist Betty Woodman. Although Woodman has exhibited widely in the United States and Europe, this was her first public commission. One of our favorite pieces is the interior garden created by Michael Singer in Concourse C. These mossy ruins are visible from below as you exit the train and from above in the concourse. Artists have worked on the floors of DIA in several places, including the main terminal and Concourse B, so if you watch where you're walking, you'll see pictographs, fossils and more inlaid in the terrazzo floor. In the food court areas in Concourse A you'll notice colorful tile patterns that appear to be abstract - but go up the escalator, take a look from above and you'll see that they form foreshortened figures of people. Barb McKee and Darrell Anderson collaborated on this project.

Finally, on the way out of the airport you may notice a line of rusted farm implements. It's not that there wasn't time to clean up - this is part of an art project created by Sherry Wiggins and Buster Simpson to acknowledge that agriculture was historically one of the primary uses of the land on which DIA was built. Curious passersby can get a brochure that identifies and locates the art at DIA in the information booths in the main terminal and in concourses A and C.

Date: Fri, 17 Apr 1998 12:51:25 -0500
From: Jeff McSpadden
I hate to respond to my own posts, but I tracked down the 'offical' Denver airport site at there are pdf maps of the airport, better pictures of the artwork, and QUICKTIME video of the interior. You can't ask for more than that! The artwork will take some digging, but the photo of the 30' tall mustang with lasers for eyes is worth it. Below is a snipped description of the garden/mi-go temple.

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The work for Concourse C includes the disign of a 5,000-square-foot interior garden with sculptural and architectural elements as well as a 7,000-square-foot inlaid stone pattern drawing for the main floor. Materials for the garden include wood, stone, individually cast cement panels and plant material. The walls of the garden space are 15-feet high and are constructed at an angle, separating them from the walls of the concourse building. The wall of the concourse is seen through a specifically designed wooden trellis. The use of an irrigation system provides an opportunity for water as an element of the design. Layers of patterns and combined elements repeat throughout the design of the garden and floor implying a process of discovery and an accumulation of meanings.

Date: Tue, 21 Apr 98 19:12:25 UT
From: "John Gallant"

After thinking about it for a while, I realised how little I knew about the Walker Lake base. So I sent a note to one of my buddies in Reno to dig up what he could. The info on the Underwater Nuclear Warfare aspect is practically non-existent. Sorry. On that front I only know that it says it is. Another friend of mine claims to have been stationed out there in the mid 80's but refused to go further other than saying there was far more than is immediately visible. Whatever. Our estimates put the facility at approx. 1200-1800 square miles. Remember, this is Nevada where 80-85% of the land is government owned. Pinpointing military boundaries is darned hard. The only thing visible from the road are dozens of rows of concrete magazines, barracks, a cemetery, and several unimpressive pre-fab buildings.

The base was created after the loss of one in NJ to fire in 1926, IIRC. After that, the US wisely decided to relocate it largest ammo dump to an area where enormous explosions wouldn't be an issue.

Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 09:22:54 -0700 (PDT)
From: Bryant Durrell

Bad strangeness out here in San Francisco recently, fellow travellers. Two days ago, three people swimming off Ocean Beach (which is our Pacific Ocean beach, not at all far from my safehouse) were "swept out to sea" by a riptide. Two bodies were found — one is missing.

Then yesterday, a trawler was overturned a few miles down the coast. Two of the salmon fishermen aboard died, and two other bodies are again simply missing.

My cell's guessing that someone is trying to cover up Deep One breeding. But that's a bit subtle for the Deep Ones themselves. So we're worried.

This is Agent Garrett, signing off.

Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 12:14:09 PDT
From: "Christopher D. Nichols"

The following events are true.

A few days ago, I was in Oklahoma City doing my usual search for discount Mythos stuff. To my suprise, I found a heavily discounted copy of Cthulhu Now in pristine condition. Taking it home, I found a sheet of papper tuck in the spine of the book. It conined the following:

the tower of fire
blazes with his life
up he comes
to end man's long strife

the dead shall rise
to become one with him
and strange horrors
shall writhe at his wim [sic]

In light of the article "The Glove Cleaners" in TUO 14/15, this is needless to say, a bit disturbing. (Most likely, this is one of the previous owner's handouts).

Still, the idea that a glove cleaner may be present in Oklahoma City might have uses for an inventive Delta Green Keeper. Perhaps something distributed by the glovecleaner triggered McVeigh?

Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 11:12:01 +0900
From: "David Farnell"
Reminds me of what happened shortly after I joined this list. I got an email from someone that said only "Who are you?" and "The light of knowledge is the way to power." or something like that. From some woman I didn't know, and it didn't come through the list itself. I was slightly freaked, but I replied with something even more cryptic and weird, and she never wrote back after that. Might've been spam, who knows? Did anyone else get such a thing?

Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 22:48:03 EDT
From: Mgkelly

Still, the idea that a glove cleaner may be present in Oklahoma City
might have uses for an inventive Delta Green Keeper. Perhaps something
distributed by the glovecleaner triggered McVeigh?

Let's hope not. I still remember all the bullshit from the 80's about role-playing games being "the work of the Devil" and that they made kids start worshipping Satan and kill each other. It would be worse in this day and age to be able to get tangible evidence that RPG's might have actually inspired an act of terrorism (Granted, may it have just affected one disturbed individual, but as gamers, we don't need any more bad press. Let Ward and June Citizen worry about their kids smoking or whatever the newest socio-political bandwagon is now).

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