The government is a maze that is easy to get lost in. All the names are surrounded by mysterious strings of letters and all the faces begin to look the same. This is an index of the real agencies that might be encountered (or avoided) during game play, be a potential current or previous employer of a player's Agent. See also the fictional(ized) organizations and Dave K.'s templates for character creation.
United States
Executive Branch
- Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Center
- Defense Intelligence Agency
- Defense Investigative Service
- Defense Mapping Agency
- National Reconnaissance Office
- National Security Agency
- US Space Command
- US Special Operations Command
Department of Health and Human Services
Department of Homeland Security
Department of Housing and Urban Development
- Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives
- Drug Enforcement Agency
- Federal Bureau of Investigation
- Office of the Attorney General
- US Marshals Service
Department of Veterans Affairs
Independent Agencies
- US Postal Service
- Central Intelligence Agency
- National Aeronautics and Space Agency
- National Transport Safety Board
United States Marine Corps
United States National Guard
Delta Green has historically been an American-centric organisation with only limited operations overseas. For a campaign set overseas, possibly involving or focusing on a foreign Delta Green analogue, Agents may encounter or need to avoid a wide range of other agencies.
United Kingdom
The Security Service (MI5)
The Secret Intelligence Service (MI6)
Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ)
Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation1
Foreign Intelligence Service
Federal Protective Service2
General Directorate for Internal Security
General Directorate for External Security
National Police
French Navy
French Air Force
National Gendarmerie
National Guard
Australian Security Intelligence Organisation
Australian Secret Intelligence Service
Australian Signals Directorate
Australian Geospatial-Intelligence Organisation
Australian Federal Police
Office of Naval Intelligence
Defence Intelligence Organisation