A Pnomus-infested Webster's Dictionary of American English
It looks like the ranting madman (personally I prefer the term "deranged nutcase") is right… which means that Pnomus has been at play again. I am forwarding the recommendation to cell A that Webster's Dictionary now be reclassified as a dangerous occult tome and all copies be immediately placed into secure storage.
Curator's Note: for more information on the Pnomus, its activities and dangers, agents are referred to the report printed in the "Delta Green: Alien Intelligence" collection.
Agents are also invited not to use this volume to spell-check their reports.
In game terms:
reading this tome from cover to cover will invoke a mandatory 1d6/1d10 San loss
study time.. oh, 12 weeks or so
spells include "induce headache" and "information overload"
bonus skills: +2 points American English (conversely -1d4 British English) and a free bonus skill "boring conversation" (treat as the opposite of "fast talk") at 30%).
This is from the Ice Cave.