The Pacific island of Ponape is now known by the original Polynesian term of Pohnpei, which translates as "upon a holy altar". The mysterious Ponape Scripture was discovered here in 1734.
Like many Polynesian Pacific islands, Pohnpei featured an ancient megalithic culture which gave rise among humans to the legend of Mu. The black basalt city/archipelago/mortuary complex of Nan Madol ("The Spaces Between" - between dimensions?) consists of almost a hundred artificial islands built from black stone quarried elsewhere on the islands. Local legend attributes its building to powerful sorcerers. At the heart of Nan Madol is the great tomb of legendary culture hero Isokelekel, whose spirit is said to have struck dead the German governor of the islands in 1905 when the latter searched his tomb for relics. The megalithic era is believed to have begun in approximately the 12th century and collapsed in the 17th when Isokelekel conquered the Saudeleur dynasty.
The inhabitants were undoubtedly inspired to build the Nan Madol complex, at such a huge cost in labour and resources, and to entomb a great conquerer/destroyer in the centre, by myths or dreams emanating from Great Cthulhu in R'lyeh, which is believed to be less than 2 weeks sail from Pohnpei.
Pohnpei is the setting of the Abraham Merritt novel The_Moon_Pool, which imperfectly previsioned the truths revealed by Howard Phillips Lovecraft.
External links
The Cthulhu Project - Nan Madol as an extradimensional launch pad.
Polynesian Religion and the Cthulhu Mythos Read and lose SAN.