Attention agents!
We need your shotguns for the 2019 Delta Green Shotgun Scenario Contest!
1. Entries must be set in the Delta Green-verse.
2. Entries must be 1500 words or less. Entries over 1500 words will not be accepted. Authors will be allowed to trim scenarios that go over the word limit and resubmit as long as the final submission is received before the deadline.
3. Scenario titles and stats blocks do not count toward the word limit. Narrative NPC descriptions do count.
4. You may submit as many Shotgun Scenarios as you wish.
5. Submissions are anonymous until the contest has ended, except to the contest administrator.
6. To submit an entry:
- Email all submissions to the contest administrator, moc.oohay|gnissope#moc.oohay|gnissope.
- Submissions may be sent in the body of the email or as text attachment (doc, rtf, etc). No PDFs please. Keep formatting as simple as possible. See archived submissions at the Fairfield Project Wiki for examples.
- The submission should clearly state the title of your scenario.
- The submission must include a short, one- or two- sentence summary of your scenario. This will help readers remember what your scenario was about when it comes time for polling.
- Please state the name you’d like used when author credits are revealed at contest end.
Note: Failure to include title, author, and shotgun summary with your submission will delay posting of the submission to the Fairfield Project Wiki.
7. The administrator will reply to the sender within 24 hours to acknowledge receipt of the submission. Please wait until after 24 hours have past before inquiring about receipt.
8. The administrator will attempt to archive each submission to the Delta Green wiki within 48 hours of receipt.
9. Submissions will be accepted until Saturday, December 7, 2019 at 11:59 pm EST.
10. The authors of the top three scenarios, as determined by anonymous voting, are the winners. This will be decided through a Google poll, ending on Tuesday, December 31, 2019 at 11:59 pm EST.
11. Authors are free to vote for their own submission.
12. The contest administrator may submit but does not vote.
First place prize is a $20 gift certificate to Drivethrurpg/RPGNow.
Second place prize is a $10 gift certificate to Drivethrurpg/RPGNow.
Third place prize is a $5 gift certificate to Drivethrurpg/RPGNow.
Good luck everyone!