World War II

While the roots of Delta Green may be traced back to the 1920s, World War II was when it was truly founded. It was also the glory years of the agency, when its mission was clearest and its victories cleanest. They were an officially sanctioned agency supported and supplied by the US government as part of the OSS, and they operated in all the theaters of the war. Their efforts against the Karotechia were in line with their twin duties to protect American interests and eliminate the Mythos.

"Delta Green: Our Darkest Hour", the proposed Delta Green World War II sourcebook, was never published. However, material from Achtung! Cthulhu or World War Cthulhu can be easily adapted for a Delta Green WWII campaign.

Pages tagged with WWII

External links

Delta Green: Our Darkest Hour Partial sourcebook for DG WWII
The Delta Green WWII mailing list (dead link)
Seed: A blogged DG WWII game
An Item of Mutual Interest Short story by Adam Scott Glancy set in WWII, introducing Aktion Eischloss (Operation ICE PALACE) and Point 103
Punching: A story of Delta Green Short story by Dennis Detwiller set in WWII & 1964

The intellectual property known as Delta Green is ™ and © the Delta Green Partnership. The contents of this document are © their respective authors, excepting those elements that are components of the Delta Green intellectual property.